Tuesday, December 19, 2017

How to copy from local VM to remote path

scp filename username@hostname:remotepath

scp -r folderName username@serverAddress:~/

~/ -- Home directory path

How to remove the record for local cassandra value

Hi Viewers,

How to remove the cassandra  table record  for your local VM.

1) Go to Mpbaxteam ide
2) ssh username@VMIpaddress
3) vm Pwd
4) Go to virtuoranc/ cassandra /bin
5) ./cqlsh localhost -u cassandra -p virtuora
6) desc tables; [ desc --> description]
6) use virtuoranc;
7) select * from userpreferences;
8) select * from userpreferences where preferencekey = 'alarmNotification' and username = 'admin' and usertype = 'LOCAL';
9) delete from userpreferences where preferencekey = 'alarmNotification' and username = 'admin' and usertype = 'LOCAL';